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Is Mark Thompson Really Mining For Gold?


WordPress Goldmine is an apt description for this excellent 110 page e-book by Mark Thompson. It truly is a goldmine of information regarding the use of WordPress blogs to provide residual income.

Well written and easy to understand, WordPress Goldmine provides guidance on how to select a product, choose a domain name, set up a blog, get content, monetize and promote a site. Unusually, building a list is not part of the formula.

Mark has split his e-book into five distinct sections making it easy to access the information and there is a very detailed Contents Page.

The first section deals with the basic process of setting up an effective WordPress blog, and covers presentation, themes and plugins.

Content is the topic of section two.

In section three, the different ways to monetize a site are covered and here you will find some really useful information.

Blog promotion is covered in section four which makes a nice change as most e-books leave this vital piece of information out. WordPress Goldmine actually provides details of a great traffic generation system.

The final section neatly ties up the whole process of using blogs for affiliate marketing by discussing mastering Web 2.0 with social networking, bookmarking and tagging.

WordPress Goldmine is not just a well-written e-book but a very useful tool.

The author, Mark Thompson, makes every page valuable. There is no hype or fillers and very few affiliate links to click. Infact in the entire book he only recommends two tools and one membership site, although he directs you to very many resources.

The whole book is written in a very matter of fact manner and discloses his proven methods to achieving what he terms, "a comfortable income in a short period of time". His sensible approach makes a healthy income seem achievable, even to the absolute marketing beginner, especially as he summarises each section.

WordPress Goldmine is a simple and clear, step-by-step guide to the whole process of affiliate marketing. He discusses relevant and critical strategies on which to focus and his concise style of writing, spelling out exactly what he does and why he does it, is a pleasure to read. Another bonus is that he is producing videos to complement the e-book, and these are being made available as they are produced.

If you are looking for an informative and practical, complete package, then WordPress Goldmine is for you. Even more experienced marketers could benefit from applying his techniques.

WordPress Goldmine is indeed a goldmine of information for anyone serious about affiliate marketing and making multiple streams of income from WordPress blogs.



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